The Author

Jordi Guri Harth

I was born in Barcelona in 1966. During my formative years in high school, a charismatic history teacher inspired me to study the subject further. So upon completing my military duty in the navy, I enrolled in the university of Salamanca to study History. However, during my third year, due to unforeseen events, I had to discontinue my studies and relocate to England. There, I pursued a carrier in hospitality management. History seemed to be something lost in my young past. Or so I thought.

As life would have it, ten years later a serendipitous encounter with a Cypriot woman, who is now my wife, brought me to the island of Cyprus. This new relocation was also a new chapter in my life. This new land was a wonderland of history, mythology and archeology. My passion ignited once again and augmented by the mythological element that intermingles with the history of this place, I embarked on a 17-year journey of research and study. Early on, I realised that mythology may well be the oral transmission of history. The deeper I delved in history, the more gaps I encountered in the official historical narrative. Intrigued, I decided to use mythology as a means to bridge these gaps. By doing so, I realised that ancient literature was full of previously unnoticed historical facts.

When at times I shared and discussed my findings and theories with family, friends, historians and archaeologists, I was urged to put it in writing. Although I have researched into many ancient myths, I have decided that for this first written endeavour, it would be more fitting to look to the story that dwelled with the origin of civilization; and as Plato said, Atlantis is where ancient Greeks and Egyptians cultures originated.
This book is a labour of love. My research is based mostly in ancient texts, modern science and at times just on plain common sense. I hope that my arguments are compelling enough, even if it would be only to induce you to read or research the ancient sources. 

The Book

Was Cyprus the island of Atlantis?

A Mediterranean empire with its centre in Cyprus?

In antiquity people used to believe that.

Hebrew texts call the whole of the Mediterranean basin: “The Lands of Kittim”. Kittim being the ancient name for modern day Larnaca. Other ancient writers clearly state that Cyprus once, ruled all the islands.

You find it difficult to believe? Don’t worry you are not the first one.

Plato felt the need to start his Atlantis text with: “Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true, having been attested by Solon, who was the wisest of the seven sages”

Solon not only knew the story of Atlantis well, but he also knew Cyprus very well. And both places seem astonishingly similar.

In this book we will analyse ancient texts trying to make sense of a period for which very little written accounts survived. We will try to reconcile history with the myth of Atlantis.

What Readers Say

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam ligula pede, sagittis quis, interdum ultricies, scelerisque eu."
Paul Mark
"I found it a fascinationg read, more like a solution to a mystery novel than many of its rather dry predecessors. The writing style made it easy to follow unlike many history or mythology books. I have recommended it to many friends. "
Lyn Hollooway
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam ligula pede, sagittis quis, interdum ultricies, scelerisque eu."
Terry Henry

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